E.L Index

Commenced in 1992 the E.L. Index executive employment series provides comprehensive analysis of executive employment trends

E.L Index | Internet Activity Data | Why Executive Demand?

The E.L Index of Executive Demand

The E.L Index provides clients of E. L Consult with a comprehensive analysis of employment trends at executive level.

The E.L Index has shown by two independent University studies to correlate strongly with general economic and business trends. It is featured by most of the major news services and is closely followed by government and central bank analysts.

The E.L Index is actually a combined Index of all executive demand made up of five separate indices; E.L Finance Index, E.L IT Index, E.L Management Index, E.L Marketing Index and the E.L Engineering Index.

The National and specific career group Indexes are shown as relative indexes recording the monthly demand activity for executive positions in the current month against the demand in a historical base period which is normalised to 100. By averaging to a historical base period the comparison of, say, June 1994 to June 2000 is meaningful, giving a clean, easily understood appreciation of changing investment and economic trends without seasonal obscurity.

Internet Activity Data

The Internet data is a separate series and has not as yet been combined into the national indexes. As can be seen in the graphical presentation executive Internet figures are still highly volatile and do not have any meaningful correlation to broader economic statistics either as a lead or following indicator.

E.L Consult is closely monitoring these numbers with the view to eventually combining them in the national figures or using them as a separate predictive tool depending how the future numbers mature..

Why Executive Demand?

  • Employment of management usually precedes the employment of skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Employment of engineering executives precedes major capital investment.
  • The division between various management sectors gives an indication of which sectors of the economy are experiencing growth or decline.
  • Compares month by month changes in the public and private sector as well as monitoring government expenditure patterns.
  • Makes regional comparisons after allowing for population differences.

It is often claimed that unemployment figures and broad-based job vacancy surveys do not give a fair impression of what is occurring in executive ranks. The E.L Index addresses this and has some interesting correlative and predictive qualities. Such as:

It shows a ‘rate of change’ and can therefore be realistically compared to general economic and employment growth unlike some surveys that report absolute numbers.

It shows a ‘rate of change’ and can therefore be realistically compared to general economic and employment growth unlike some surveys that report absolute numbers.

Core data is collected on an actual expenditure of business and government, not on a respondent’s opinion or confidence level.